Friday, April 2, 2010

Star Wars' Tumbles

Breaking news in our house. As of last night, The Kid announced that all Star Wars movies have now fallen to a respectable, though surprising, second place. Before I share his explanation, let me give you a bit of context regarding his "ranking tendencies." After viewing the Winter Olympics, The Kid now ranks everything. As in first, second or third place. For example, "Mom, this dinner totally takes first place over the other first place dinner. This pasta? This sauce? This broccoli? This bread? This dinner now gets the gold medal and is in first place!" Also, everyone and everything occurs in the context of "facing each other." As in, "Mom, Direct TV and Cable are facing each other in their commercials. I think Direct TV is going to win. Why are they facing each other? What will the winner get? A gold medal?"

So, what movie could possibly bump the beloved, and previously thought un-beatable Star Wars Trilogy into second place? What film could strip Star Wars of it's Gold Medal, first place ranking in The Kid's mind? Walt Disney's "Swiss Family Robinson."

He summarized for us, "Mom, Dad, Swiss Family Robinson is sooooo much better than Star Wars. Because, in Star Wars, they have things, like lasers, light savers and droids that fight the bad guys. In Swiss Family Robinson they had (to make) different kinds of things: COCONUNT BOMBS! LOGS(to roll down the hill and run over attacking Pirates)! I never saw THAT before! Oh, a trap with a TIGER in it! HOLES that PIRATES fall into! AND, the whole time, they were trapped on an ISLAND!"

Take that "high-tech" Star Wars' movies, take that.

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